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Sunday, September 19, 2010

Sings like an angel BUT.

Well of course I was delighted that my daughter Elizabeth came with us to Liturgy this morning and I pray it will lead to her joining formally, but a side effect was that, since her boon friend was in attendance, my daughter Cecilia opted to stay in the pew for intermittent chatting, in luie of singing with us in choir. Cecilia has tended all her life to rely greatly on the companionship of her sister, and doesn't very often step out on her own. It's funny also, because she sometimes resents Lizzie's independence and greater ability to connect with other kids and risk the rejection and whatnot.

Cecilia really ought to sing in choir because she has a nice voice and she sings in the school choir, but I guess it is a small price to pay if Lizzie will come regularly and convert to the Faith.

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