Timothy was the beloved son in the Faith of the apostle Paul, and a native of Lystra in Lyacaonia, born of a Gentile father and a Jewish mother. He embraced the Christian religion when the Apostle Paul came into those parts. And the holy Apostle chose him to be the companion of his journeys. * To remove a stumbling-block from the way of those Jews who felt drawn to Christianity Paul caused Timothy to be circumcised. And when they came together to Ephesus, the Apostle consecrated him Bishop of that Church. * Two of the Epistles of blessed Paul are addressed to Timothy. And these are believed to have stirred him up to such zealous discharge of his duties that he publicly preached against sacrificing to Diana on her feast day, averring that sacrifice is due to God alone. Whereupon the heathen stoned him till he was well-nigh dead ; and although he was rescued by the Christians, he then fell asleep in the Lord, on January 24th, in the year 97, when he was over eighty years of age.
Almighty God, mercifully lock upon our infirmities: that whereas we are afflicted by the burden of our sins; the glorious intercession of thy Martyr and Bishop blessed Timothy, may be our succour and defense, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
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