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Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Saint Apollonia, Virgin & Martyr

Saint Apollonia, Virgin & Martyr
Concerning Apollonia, Saint Dionysius the Great, Bishop of Alexandria, wrote to Fabius, Bishop of Antioch, and his account was preserved by Eusebius. Wherefrom we learn that she was an aged Deaconess of Alexandria, who in the year 249 was seized during an uprising in which many Christians were martyred. First they beat her in the face with such blows that they knocked out all her teeth; and then, after kindling a great fire, they threatened to throw he therein unless she uttered certain impieties. But she begged for a moment’s delay, as if to consider their proposal ; whereupon , to shew that her sacrifice was voluntary, she leaped into the flames of her own accord. And Saint Augustine well saith of her that she burned inwardly with the fire of the Holy Ghost, in such wise as to make little of the material fire which consumed her body. Because of the injuries to her teeth during her torture, she is wont to be invoked against toothache and dental diseases.

:O God, who among the manifold works of thine almighty power hast bestowed even upon the weakness of women strength to win the victory of martyrdom : grant, we beseech thee, that we, who on this day recall the heavenly birth of blessed Apollonia, thy Virgin and Martyr ; may so follow in her footsteps, that we may likewise attain unto thee, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

1 comment:

  1. Please ask St. Apollonia to pray for my urgent intentions. Thank you.
